Sunday, August 10, 2014

Pilate's Scroll Opened!!!!


(AP) An anonymous source within the Italian Bureau of Antiquities has informed the press that a historical discovery of ‘paramount importance’ has been made on the isle of Capri, where an earthquake recently revealed a long-sealed chamber. While declining to describe exactly what the discovery might be, the source did say that it could have a "profound impact on both Roman history and the early history of Christianity." Speculation abounds as to what Monday’s announcement will disclose, and journalists from around the world are congregating in Naples, in advance of Monday’s press conference. The chamber has been confirmed as dating to the reign of Tiberius Caesar, who was Emperor of Rome during the earliest years of the Christian era, when Jesus of Nazareth himself is said to have been crucified.

     That was the "teaser" article that Dr. Sinisi released to the world media Friday evening as we prepared to announce our discoveries to the world in a press conference on Monday.  After leaving Capri, we spent a beautiful weekend in Naples, getting settled into new digs (I'm staying at the Ambassador Suites, courtesy of Italy's Antiquities Bureau), and worked up our presentations for the media that Saturday.  Sunday we got a chance to rest - I spent the whole day with Isabella, and I could fill six entries with my feelings for her!
     But that's not what this journal is for.  Monday we held our press conference, showing the artifacts from the chamber and announcing the discovery of the two scrolls, which were already beginning to open as the papyrus rehydrated and regained its flexibility.  The media were fascinated with the relics we uncovered, but they went nuts when we revealed the existence of the Pontius Pilate scroll!  Suddenly our team has gone from being a gang of obscure antiquarians to being international celebrities!  That afternoon the first scroll, containing the will of Caesar Augustus, had rolled open enough to translate.  While it contained no particular surprises, it was still astonishing to see the firm, clear Latin handwriting of Rome's first Emperor just as crisp and clear as the day the will was composed.
     Watching the news coverage of the initial discovery Monday evening was a sharp lesson.  Even before the Pontius Pilate scroll was opened and read, one prominent atheist was already accusing our team of fraud and deception.  I'm not used to having my professional ethics questioned - none of us are - and the hostility of this Dr. Hubbard came as a real shock.  By Tuesday morning the Pilate scroll was largely unrolled, and Dr. MacDonald and I were able to translate it that afternoon.
    It's all we thought it was.  The full and complete report about the crucifixion of Jesus - and the events that followed!  I'll admit, I was terrified of what might be in that scroll.  What if it contradicted the Gospel narratives?  But enough of what I feared might be there - let me just copy the entire translation below:

"Lucius Pontius Pilate, Senior Legate, Prefect, and Proconsul of Judea, to Tiberius Julius Caesar Augustus, Princeps and Imperator of Rome, Greetings.

"Your Excellency, you know that it is the duty of every governor to keep you informed of events in the provinces that may in some way affect the well-being of the Empire. While I am loath to disturb your important daily work with a matter that may seem trivial at first, upon further reflection, and especially in light of subsequent developments, I find myself convinced that recent events in Judea merit your attention. And I would be telling an untruth if I were not to say that I am concerned that other accounts of these happenings may reach your ears which are not just unfavorable but frankly slanderous of my actions and motives. The situation was one of unusual difficulty and complexity, and hard decisions were called for. As always, I tried to make the decisions that I felt would most lend themselves to a peaceful and harmonious outcome for the citizens of the Republic and the people of Judea . . ."

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